
Virtual symposium on ‘Making and unmaking of the Speculative City: Urban politics in South Korea’, 6-Nov-2020

For (Asia) urbanists, there is an exciting virtual symposium taking place this Friday 6 November 2020, organised by jointly by York University, Canada and by the Centre for the Study of Korea at the University of Toronto. The symposium, rescheduled from its original March 2020 schedule due to COVID-19, is to address ‘Making and Unmaking […]

Book Launch, “On the Margins of Urban South Kore: Core Location as Method and Praxis”, 25-Sep-2020

This new edited volume entitled ‘On the Margins of Urban South Korea: Core Location as Method and Praxis’ is an important volume that is interdisciplinary and adventurous while critical and insightful. It brings together colleagues who have been working on urban Korea from various disciplinary perspectives, and makes a great contribution to the on-going efforts […]

New Annals AAG paper published

Happy to see the final publication of this new paper, “Contextualizing Accumulation by Dispossession: The State and High-Rise Apartment Clusters in Gangnam, Seoul”, from the Annals of the American Association of Geographers. The fruition of this co-authored paper has taken many years, and it’s great to conclude this project with this output. Abstract: In an […]

Urban Studies journal launches a new initiative, Editors’ Featured Articles

Earlier this month, the Urban Studies journal has announced the introduction of a new initiative called Editor’s Featured Articles (https://www.urbanstudiesonline.com/editors-featured-articles/). According to the journal, the new initiative: makes popular and significant articles that have been recently published available on an open access basis. In addition, selective papers that are not yet in print but connect […]

Uneven development of housing and real price increase in South Korea

“The Economist house-price indices” https://www.economist.com/…/graphicd…/2018/02/daily-chart-5… The Economist has provided interesting visualisation of housing price index for 27 economies and 20 cities in the US. They have correctly identified that “FINANCIAL media focus most of their attention on stocks and bonds, but the world’s biggest asset class is actually residential property. With an estimated value of […]

신간 <안티 젠트리피케이션, 무엇을 할 것인가> 기념 행사 안내. New book on “Anti Gentrification: What is to be done”

2015년 12월에 구상, 작년 초가을 본격 추진했던 중요한 프로젝트 하나를 이번 한국 방문 기간에 맞추어 마무리합니다. 새로 나오는 <안티 젠트리피케이션, 무엇을 할 것인가>를 기념하기 위해 저자들을 모시고 두 번의 행사를 갖습니다. 이번 출장 동안 미처 찾아뵙지 못하고 연락도 제대로 못드린 점 너그러이 이해해주시길 부탁드리며, 시간 되시는 분들은 두 행사장 모두 또는 한 군데에서 뵐 수 […]

젠트리피케이션 없는 세상 꿈꾸기 (Dreaming about a world without gentrification)

지난 해 10월부터 12월 사이 두 차례 한국을 방문하였고, 지내는 동안 젠트리피케이션을 화두로 많은 만남을 가졌습니다. 앞서 가졌던 고민의 깊이가 더욱 깊어졌고, 답답하고 아픈 현실에 마음 아팠지만 수 많은 실천의 몸짓을 통해 긍정의 에너지도 얻었습니다. 앞으로 해야할 일을 생각하며 신발끈을 다시 고쳐 맵니다. 아래 글은 희망제작소 (http://www.makehope.org) 에 초청기고한 것 입니다. 희망제작소 웹페이지에 게시한 글은 […]


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