Book Chapters

Shin, H.B. and Gimm, D-W. (2025) Situating Megaprojects in Asia’s Political Economy of Urbanization. In: Shin, H. B. and Gimm, D-W. (eds.) The Political Economy of Megaprojects in Asia: State Power, Land Control, Financial Flows, and Dispossession. Regions and Cities Series. Routledge

Shin, H.B. and Oh, D. (2025) Coping with Crises in Developmental Urbanisation: Songdo International City in South Korea. In: Shin, H. B. and Gimm, D-W. (eds.) The Political Economy of Megaprojects in Asia: State Power, Land Control, Financial Flows, and Dispossession. Regions and Cities Series. Routledge

Shin, H.B. (2023) The political economy of mega-events as spectacles in the global East. In: Aramata, M. (ed.) Political Economy of the Tokyo Olympics: Unrestrained Capital and Development without Sustainable Principles. London: Routledge, pp. 30-48

Mckenzie, M., Oh, D. and Shin, H.B. (2022) Introduction: Insights for a post-pandemic world. In: Shin, H.B., Mckenzie, M. and Oh, D. (eds.) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a Post-Pandemic World. London: LSE Press, pp. 1-33

Shin, H.B., Jin, Y., Koh, S.Y., Mckenzie, M., Oh, D. and Zhao, Y. (2022) Postscript: In-pandemic academia, scholarly practices and ethics of care. In: Shin, H.B., Mckenzie, M. and Oh, D. (eds.) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a Post-Pandemic World. London: LSE Press, pp. 291-306

Shin, H.B. (2021) Theorising from where? Reflections on de-centring global (South) urbanism. In: Lancione, M. and McFarlane, C. (eds.) Global Urbanism: Knowledge, Power and the City. Routledge, pp. 62-71

Shin, H.B. (2021) Urban transformation ‘Korean Style’: Lessons from property-based urban development. In: Park, S.H., Shin, H.B. and Kang, H.S. (eds.) Exporting Urban Korea? Reconsidering the Korean Urban Development Experience. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 58-80

Park, S.H., Shin, H.B. and Kang, H.S. (2021) Introduction: Reconsidering the Korean urban development experience for international cooperation. In: Park, S.H., Shin, H.B. and Kang, H.S. (eds.) Exporting Urban Korea? Reconsidering the Korean Urban Development Experience. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 1-12

Shin, H.B. (2019) Asian urbanism. In:  Orum, A.M. (ed.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118568446.eurs0010

Shin, H.B. (2019) Contesting property hegemony in Asian cities. In:  Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (eds.) Neoliberal Urbanism, Contested Cities and Housing in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 193-209

Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (2019) Centering housing questions in Asian cities. In:  Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (eds.) Neoliberal Urbanism, Contested Cities and Housing in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-19

Shin, H.B. (2018) Redevelopment, Gentrification, and the Spatio-temporality of Displacement: the Case of Nangok, Seoul. In: Korea Center for City and Environment Research (ed.) Urban Regeneration and Gentrification. Seoul: Hanul, pp. 309-325 [In Korean: 신현방 (2018) 재개발, 젠트리피케이션, 그리고 축출의 시공간성: 서울 난곡 사례를 중심으로. <도시재생과 젠트리피케이션> 한국도시연구소 엮음. 서울: 한울, 309-329쪽]

Shin, H.B. and Zhao, Y. (2018) Urbanism as a state project: Lessons from Beijing’s green belts. In:  Jayne, M.(ed.) Chinese Urbanism: Critical Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 30-46

Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2018) Beyond Anglo-American gentrification theory. In: Lees, L. and Phillips, M. (eds.) Handbook of Gentrification Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.11-23

Shin, H.B. (2018) Studying global gentrifications. In: Harrison, J. and Hoyler, M. (eds.) Doing Global Urban Research. London: SAGE, pp. 138-152

Shin, H.B. (2018) Geography: Rethinking the ‘urban’ and urbanization. In: Iossifova, D., Doll, C. and Gasparatos, A. (eds.) Defining the Urban: Interdisciplinary and Professional Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 27-39

Shin, H.B. (2017) Introduction: Anti-Gentrification: What is to be done. In: Shin, H.B. (ed.) Anti-Gentrification: What is to be done. Seoul: Dongnyok, pp. 15-36. [In Korean: 신현방 (편저) 안티 젠트리피케이션: 무엇을 것인가. 서울: 도서출판 동녘, 15~36쪽]

Shin, H.B. (2017) Speculative urbanisation, gentrification and the right to the city. In: Choi, B-D. (ed.) City of Hope. Seoul: The Seoul Institute, pp. 216-243 [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 투기적 도시화, 젠트리피케이션, 도시권. <희망의 도시> 서울연구원 엮음. 서울: 한울, 216-243쪽]

Shin, H.B. (2017) Envisioned by the state: Entrepreneurial urbanism and the making of Songdo City, South Korea. In: Datta, A. and Shaban, A. (eds.) Mega-urbanization in the Global South: Fast Cities and New Urban Utopias of the Postcolonial State. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 83-100

  • Translated and reprinted in Korean in: Park, B-G., Lee, S-W. and Cho, S-C. (eds.) (2017) Spaces of Exception in East Asia. Seoul: Alt, pp. 325-342

Shin, H.B. (2016) La Economía Política de Urbananización Especulativa en Asia Oriental (The Political Economy of Speculative Urbanization in East Asia). In: Alvarez, L, Delgado, G. and Leal, A. (eds.) Los Desafios de la Ciudad del Siglo XXI (The Challenges of Twenty First Century Cities). Senado de la Republica / Ceiich-Puc-Pues, UNAM, Mexico, pp. 421-438

Shin, H.B. (2016) Dreaming of a world without gentrification [In Korean: 젠트리피케이션 없는 세상 꿈꾸기]. In: Jeong, H-S. (ed.) Hannam Forum [한남 포럼]. Seoul: Takeout Drawing, pp. 168-174

Shin, H.B. (2016)China meets Korea: The Asian Games, entrepreneurial local states and debt-driven development. In: Gruneau, R. and Horne, J. (eds.) Mega Events and Globalization: Capital and Spectacle in a Changing World Order. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 186-205

Shin, H.B. (2015) Urbanization in China. In: Wright, J. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition). Elsevier (Series editor: James Sidaway and Henry Yeung), pp. 973-979

Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2015) Conclusion: Global gentrifications. In: Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (Eds.) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 441-452

Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2015) Introduction: ‘Gentrification’, a global urban process? In: Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (Eds.) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 1-18

Shin, H.B. (2014) Elite vision before people: State entrepreneurialism and the limits of participation. In: Altrock, U. and Schoon, S. (Eds.) Maturing Megacities: The Pearl River Delta in Progressive Transition. Springer, pp. 267-285

Shin, H.B. (2011) Vertical accumulation and accelerated urbanism: the East Asian experience. In: Gandy, M. (Ed) Urban Constellations. Berlin: Jovis Publishers, pp. 48-53

Shin, H.B. (2010) Empowerment or marginalisation: Land, housing and property rights in poor neighbourhoods. In: Wu, F. and Webster, C. (eds.) Marginalization in urban China: Comparative perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 112-130

Shin, H.B. (2007) Residential redevelopment and social impacts in Beijing. In: Wu, F. (ed.) China’s emerging cities: The making of new urbanism. London: Routledge, pp. 163-184


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