Research Projects

RC21 Conference in Delhi, India

From  15th – 22nd September 2019, RC21 conference, “In and Beyond the City: Emerging Ontologies, Persistent Challenges and Hopeful Futures” was held in Delhi, India, and the visit to Delhi was a memorable one. At the conference, I convened sessions entitled “The Urban Spectre of ‘Global China’ and Critical Reflections on its Spatiality” together with my co-investigators […]

British Academy grant for studying urban practices of global China

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It’s with great pleasure that my colleagues and I have been awarded a British Academy grant for its Tackling the UK’s International Challenges programme. The project, titled “The Urban Spectre of Global China: Mechanisms, Consequences, and Alternatives for Urban Futures”, is to run until July 2020, examining four large-scale property development projects of Chinese capital, to question […]

SNU Institute of East Asian Urban Research 서울대 SSK 동아시아 도시사업단

I have been part of this exciting research group since 2014 as part of the research project “Crisis and Transformation of East Asian Cities in the Age of Globalization” (In Korean: “세계화 시대 , 동아시아 도시의 위기와 전환”) funded by the Social Sciences Korea programme (2014-2017), National Research Foundation of Korea. The project aims to […]

China stadium nears finishing line

중국 북경올림픽 주경기장이 거이 완성되어가나보다. Bird’s nest라는 ‘애칭’으로 불리우던 경기장에서 올 해 8월이면 개막식이 열린다. 말도 많고 탈도 많은 올림픽, 이제 곧 시작이다. 올림픽 직후 진행해야 할 중국에서의 현지조사 준비를 좀 더 신경써야겠다…아래 사진 두 장은 작년 3월 북경 방문시에 궁금해서 멀리서라도 찾아본 올림픽 경기장 건설 장면. 더 가까이 가고 싶었으나 접근 금지되어 어려웠다. 얼마전 […]


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