This page includes a list of all books as well as those writings published during the most recent five years. For a full list of publications, please see the individual publication pages as follows:
Journal Special Issues; Journal Papers; Book Chapters; Public Writing

Shin, H.B., Zhao, S. and Koh, S.Y. (eds.) (in press) The Urbanising Dynamics of Global China: Speculation, Articulation, and Translation in Global Capitalism. Routledge
- This is a republication edition of the special issue of the same title from Urban Geography 43(10): 1457-1571
Shin, H.B. and Gimm, D-W. (eds.) (2025) The Political Economy of Megaprojects in Asia: State Power, Land Control, Financial Flows, and Dispossession. Regions and Cities Series. Routledge
Shin, H.B., Mckenzie, M. and Oh, D-Y. (eds.) (2022) Covid-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a Post-pandemic World. London: LSE Press [Open Access]
Park, S.H., Shin, H.B. and Kang, H.S. (eds.) (2021) Exporting Urban Korea? Reconsidering the Korean Urban Development Experience. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge
Chen, Y-L. and Shin, H.B. (eds.) (2019) Neoliberal Urbanism, Contested Cities and Housing in Asia. The Contemporary City Series. Palgrave Macmillan
Shin, H.B. (ed.) (2017) Anti Gentrification: What is to be Done. Seoul: Dongnyeog. [In Korean: 신현방 (편저) <안티 젠트리피케이션, 우리는 무엇을 할 것 인가> 서울: 도서출판 동녘]
Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2016) Planetary Gentrification. Cambridge: Polity Press
- Chinese translation: (2022) 星球绅士化. 中国建筑工业出版社 (译者: 宋伟轩, 黄幸, 郭嘉颖)
Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (eds.) (2015) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol: Policy Press
Publications (excluding books listed above), 2014-Present
Shin, H.B. and Gimm, D-W. (2025) Situating megaprojects in Asia’s political economy of urbanization. In: Shin, H. B. and Gimm, D-W. (eds.) The Political Economy of Megaprojects in Asia: State Power, Land Control, Financial Flows, and Dispossession. Regions and Cities Series. Routledge, pp. 1-22
Shin, H.B. and Oh, D. (2025) Coping with crises in (post-)developmental urbanisation: The case study of Songdo International City, South Korea. In: Shin, H. B. and Gimm, D-W. (eds.) The Political Economy of Megaprojects in Asia: State Power, Land Control, Financial Flows, and Dispossession. Regions and Cities Series. Routledge, pp. 43-64
Jin, Y. and Shin, H.B. (in press) Revisiting urban governance in China: The manifestation of entrepreneurial Neo-managerialism in shantytown redevelopment in Luzhou. Urban Studies [View]
Shin, H.B. (2024) Urban state venturism or urbanisation of state capital? Views from the global East. Dialogues in Human Geography. DOI:
Lattanan, P., Areeprachakun, P., Cheewinsiriwat, P., Patnukao, A., Shin, H.B. and Rigg, J. (2024) From causality to blame: Exploring flooding, factories and land conversion in Eastern Thailand. Australian Geographer 55(2): 203-227
Oh, D. and Shin, H.B. (2023) University as Real Estate Developer: Comparative Perspectives from the Global East. Geoforum 144, 103764
Shin, H.B. (2023) The political economy of mega-events as spectacles in the global East. In: Aramata, M. (ed.) Political Economy of the Tokyo Olympics: Unrestrained Capital and Development without Sustainable Principles. London: Routledge, pp. 30-48
Oh, D. and Shin, H.B. (2023) Locating the Housing Crisis in Kuwaiti State, Land, and Society. Middle East Centre Kuwait Programme Paper Series No 17, Middle East Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science
Koh, S.Y., Zhao, Y. and Shin, H.B. (2022) Moving the Mountain and Greening the Sea for Whom? “Forest City”and the Transplantation of Green Urbanism in Iskandar Malaysia. Urban Geography. 43(10): 1469-1695 [View]
Shin, H.B., Zhao, Y. and Koh, S.Y. (2022) The Urbanising Dynamics of Global China: Speculation, articulation, and translation in global capitalism – an introduction. Urban Geography 43(10): 1457-1468
Shin, H.B., Zhao, Y. and Koh, S.Y. (eds.) (2022) The urbanising dynamics of global China: Speculation, articulation and translation in global capitalism. Urban Geography 43(10): 1457-1571
Nogueira, M. and Shin, H.B. (2022) The “right to the city centre”: Political struggles of street vendors in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 26(5-6): 1012-1028
Mckenzie, M., Oh, D. and Shin, H.B. (2022) Introduction: Insights for a post-pandemic world. In: Shin, H.B., Mckenzie, M. and Oh, D. (eds.) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a Post-Pandemic World. London: LSE Press, pp. 1-33
Shin, H.B., Jin, Y., Koh, S.Y., Mckenzie, M., Oh, D. and Zhao, Y. (2022) Postscript: In-pandemic academia, scholarly practices and ethics of care. In: Shin, H.B., Mckenzie, M. and Oh, D. (eds.) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a Post-Pandemic World. London: LSE Press, pp. 291-306
Koh, S.Y., Zhao, Y. and Shin, H.B. (2021) The micropolitics of speculative green urbanism at Forest City, Iskandar Malaysia. Department of Geography and Environment Discussion Paper No.21, London School of Economics and Political Science
Shin, H.B. (2021) Theorising from where? Reflections on de-centring global (South) urbanism. In: Lancione, M. and McFarlane, C. (eds.) Global Urbanism: Knowledge, Power and the City. Routledge, pp. 62-71
Shin, H.B. (2021) Urban transformation ‘Korean Style’: Lessons from property-based urban development. In: Park, S.H., Shin, H.B. and Kang, H.S. (eds.) Exporting Urban Korea? Reconsidering the Korean Urban Development Experience. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 58-80
Park, S.H., Shin, H.B. and Kang, H.S. (2021) Introduction: Reconsidering the Korean urban development experience for international cooperation. In: Park, S.H., Shin, H.B. and Kang, H.S. (eds.) Exporting Urban Korea? Reconsidering the Korean Urban Development Experience. Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge, pp. 1-12
Zhao, Y., Koh, S.Y. and Shin, H.B. (2021) Green urbanism and speculative urbanisation at Forest City, Iskandar Malaysia. LSE Southeast Asia Blog, 22 February
Shin, H.B., Zhao, Y. and Koh, S.Y. (2020) Whither Progressive Urban Futures? Critical Reflections on the Politics of Temporality in Asia. CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 24(1-2): 244-254
Sonn, J. and Shin, H.B. (2020) Contextualizing accumulation by dispossession: The state and high-rise apartment clusters in Gangnam, Seoul. Annals for the American Association of Geographers. 110(3): 864-881 [View]
Shin, H.B. (2020) Seoul rising. The Architectural Review No.1477, pp. 50-51
Nogueira, M. and Shin, H. B. (2020) The “right to the city centre”: Political struggles of street vendors in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Department of Geography and Environment Discussion Paper No.12, London School of Economics and Political Science
Shin, H.B. (2019) Planetary Gentrification: What it Is and why it matters (プラネタリー・ジェントリフィケーション ―それは何であり、何が問題なのか). Space, Society and Geographical Thought (Osaka Prefecture University and Osaka City University) 22: 127-137 (Japanese translation by M. Aramata and N. Senba) [View]
Shin, H.B. (2019) Asian urbanism. In: Orum, A.M. (ed.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118568446.eurs0010
Shin, H.B. (2019) Contesting property hegemony in Asian cities. In: Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (eds.) Neoliberal Urbanism, Contested Cities and Housing in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 193-209
Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (2019) Centering housing questions in Asian cities. In: Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (eds.) Neoliberal Urbanism, Contested Cities and Housing in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-19
Shin, H.B. (2018) Urban movements and the genealogy of urban rights discourses: The case of urban Protesters against redevelopment and displacement in Seoul, South Korea. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(2): 356-369 [View]
- Reprinted in: Heynen, N. (ed.) (2019) Social Justice and the City. Routledge, pp. 56-69
Shin, H.B. (2018) Commentary on Choi Byung-Doo’s Critical Reading of Cities. Space and Environment 28(4): 258-263 [In Korean: 신현방 (2018) 비판지리학을 위하여: 최병두와 도시. <공간과사회> 28권 4호, 258-263쪽]
Moreno, L. and Shin, H.B. (eds.) (2018) The urban process under planetary accumulation by dispossession. CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 22(1): 78-168
Moreno, L. and Shin, H.B. (2018) Introduction: The urban process under planetary accumulation by dispossession. CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 22(1): 78-87 [View]
Shin, H.B. (2018) Redevelopment, Gentrification, and the Spatio-temporality of Displacement: the Case of Nangok, Seoul. In: Korea Center for City and Environment Research (ed.) Urban Regeneration and Gentrification. Seoul: Hanul, pp. 309-325 [In Korean: 신현방 (2018) 재개발, 젠트리피케이션, 그리고 축출의 시공간성: 서울 난곡 사례를 중심으로. <도시재생과 젠트리피케이션> 한국도시연구소 엮음. 서울: 한울, 309-329쪽]
Shin, H.B. and Zhao, Y. (2018) Urbanism as a state project: Lessons from Beijing’s green belts. In: Jayne, M. (ed.) Chinese Urbanism: Critical Perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 30-46
Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2018) Beyond Anglo-American gentrification theory. In: Lees, L. and Phillips, M. (eds.) Handbook of Gentrification Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.11-23
- Reprinted in: Lees, L., Slater, T. and Wyly, E. (eds.) (2023) The Planetary Gentrification Reader. New York: Routledge, pp.18-31
Shin, H.B. (2018) Studying global gentrifications. In: Harrison, J. and Hoyler, M. (eds.) Doing Global Urban Research. London: SAGE, pp. 138-152
Shin, H.B. (2018) Geography: Rethinking the ‘urban’ and urbanization. In: Iossifova, D., Doll, C. and Gasparatos, A. (eds.) Defining the Urban: Interdisciplinary and Professional Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp. 27-39
Shin, H.B. (2018) The geographies of gentrification in East Asia. The Newsletter (International Institute for Asian Studies) No.79, p. 15
Shin, H.B. (2017) Speculative urbanisation, gentrification and the right to the city. In Choi, B-D. (ed.) City of Hope. Seoul: The Seoul Institute, pp. 216-243 [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 투기적 도시화, 젠트리피케이션, 도시권. <희망의 도시> 서울연구원 엮음. 서울: 한울, 216-243쪽]
Shin, H.B. (2017) Envisioned by the state: Entrepreneurial urbanism and the making of Songdo City, South Korea. In: Datta, A. and Shaban, A. (eds.) Mega-urbanization in the Global South: Fast Cities and New Urban Utopias of the Postcolonial State. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp. 83-100
- Translated and reprinted in: Park, B-G., Lee, S-W. and Cho, S-C. (eds.) (2017) Spaces of Exception in East Asia. Seoul: Alt, pp. 325-342 [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 국가에 의해 상상되다: 기업가주의 도시화와 송도 신도시 만들기. <특구 : 국가의 영토성과 동아시아의 예외공간>. 박배균, 이승욱, 조성찬 엮음. 알트, 325-342쪽]
Shin, H.B. (2017) Introduction: Anti-Gentrification: What is to be done. In: Shin, H.B. (ed.) Anti-Gentrification: What is to be done. Seoul: Dongnyok, pp. 15-36. [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 서장: 안티 젠트리피케이션: 무엇을 할 것인가. <안티 젠트리피케이션: 무엇을 할 것인가> 신현방 엮음. 서울: 도서출판 동녘, 15~36쪽]
Shin, H.B. (2017) Owning less and sharing together to co-habit. Small is Beautiful 255: 32-37 [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 어떻게 덜 소유하고 함께 정주할 것인가. <작은 것이 아름답다> 255호, 32~37쪽]
- Republished on, an online news agency: (23 December 2017)
Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2017) Planetary Gentrification. MIT Displacement and Research Action Network (DRAN): Blog Symposium on New Directions in Displacement Research
Shin, H.B. (2017) How stubborn ‘nail houses’ take a stand against China’s rapid urbanisation. The Conversation, 20 March
Nicolau, M. and Shin, H.B. (2017) The Rio Olympic Games and Socio-spatial Injustice, Six months after the Games finale., 7 March
Shin, H.B., Lees, L. and López-Morales, E. (eds.) (2016) Locating Gentrification in the Global East. Urban Studies 53(3)
Shin, H.B., Lees, L. and López-Morales, E. (2016) Introduction: Locating gentrification in the Global East. Urban Studies 53(3): 455-470 View the Word version
Shin, H.B. (2016) Economic transition and speculative urbanisation in China: Gentrification versus dispossession. Urban Studies 53(3): 471-489 [View]
Shin, H.B. (2016) China’s urbanization of capital and dispossession: The case of Guangzhou. Critical Review of History 116: 73-96 [In Korean: 신현방 (2016) 중국 개혁기 자본의 도시, 강탈의 도시로의 이행: 광주 사례를 중심으로. <역사비평> 116 (가을호), 73~96쪽] [View]
- This is a substantially revised Korean version of my earlier Urban Studies paper ‘Economic transition and speculative urbanisation in China: Gentrification versus dispossession’ (2016)
- The above translation reprinted in: Park, C-H. (eds.) (2018) Contemporary Chinese Cities, Vol.II Reform Era. Seoul: Yukbi, pp. 170-187 [In Korean: 신현방 (2018) 중국 개혁기 자본의 도시, 강탈의 도시로의 이행: 광주 사례를 중심으로. <도시로 읽는 현대 중국 2: 개혁기> 박철현 엮음. 서울: 역사비평사, 170-187쪽]
Shin, H.B. and Kim, S-H. (2016) The developmental state, speculative urbanisation and the politics of displacement in gentrifying Seoul. Urban Studies 53(3): 540-559
- Reprinted in: Doucette, J. and Park, B.-G. (eds.) (2019) Developmentalist Cities? Interrogating Urban Developmentalism in East Asia. Brill, pp. 245-270
López-Morales, E., Shin, H.B. and Lees, L. (eds. (2016) Latin American gentrifications. Urban Geography 37(8)
López-Morales, E., Shin, H.B. and Lees, L. (2016) Introduction: Latin American gentrifications. Urban Geography 37(8): 1091-1108 [View]
Shin, H.B. (ed.) (2016) Developmental urbanisation and gentrification. Space and Environment 26(3): 5-114 [In Korean: ‘발전주의 도시화와 젠트리피케이션’ <공간과 사회> 26권 3호, 5-114쪽]
Shin, H.B. (2016) Editorial review: Developmentalist urbanization, gentrification and the alliance of resistance. Space and Environment 26(3): 5-14 [In Korean: 신현방 (2016) 편집의 글: 발전주의 도시화와 젠트리피케이션, 그리고 저항의 연대. <공간과사회> 26권 3호, 5-14쪽] [View]
Shin, H.B. (2016) La Economía Política de Urbananización Especulativa en Asia Oriental [The Political Economy of Speculative Urbanization in East Asia]. In: Alvarez, L, Delgado, G. and Leal, A. (eds.) Los Desafios de la Ciudad del Siglo XXI [The Challenges of Twenty First Century Cities]. Senado de la Republica / Ceiich-Puc-Pues, UNAM, Mexico, pp. 421-438
Shin, H.B. (2016) Dreaming of a world without gentrification. In: Jeong, H-S. (ed.) Hannam Forum. Seoul: Takeout Drawing, pp. 168-174 [In Korean: 신현방 (2016) 젠트리피케이션 없는 세상 꿈꾸기. <한남포럼> 정현석 펴냄. 서울: 테이크아웃드로잉. 168-174쪽]
- A shortened version appears as a blog on the web site of the Hope Institute. URL:
Shin, H.B. (2016) China meets Korea: The Asian Games, entrepreneurial local states and debt-driven development. In: Gruneau, R. and Horne, J. (eds.) Mega Events and Globalization: Capital and Spectacle in a Changing World Order. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 186-205
Shin, H.B. (2016) Gentrification as a ‘disaster’: What can we do about it? Proceedings of the Seongdong District Forum on Anti-Gentrification and Sustainable Urban Regeneration. Seoul: Seongdong Distict Government [In Korean: 신현방 (2016) 젠트리피케이션이라는 ‘재난’, 어떻게 극복할 것인가? 젠트리피케이션 방지와 지속가능 도시재생을 위한 포럼 자료집. 서울: 성동구청]
Shin, H.B. (2016) Dreaming of a world without gentrification [In Korean: 젠트리피케이션 없는 세상 꿈꾸기]. The Hope Institute blog. 21 January
Shin, H.B. (2016) Gentrification: Whose city? Coffee Vol.171 (March 2016), p46 [In Korean: 신현방 (2016) 젠트리피케이션: 누구의 도시인가? <월간 커피> 통권 171권 3월호, 46쪽]
Shin, H.B. (2015) Urbanization in China. In: Wright, J. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition). Elsevier (Series editor: James Sidaway and Henry Yeung), pp. 973-979
Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2015) Conclusion: Global gentrifications. In: Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (Eds.) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 441-452
Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2015) Introduction: ‘Gentrification’, a global urban process? In: Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (Eds.) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 1-18
Shin, H.B. (2015) Combined Book Review: Samara, Tony R., He, Shenjing and Chen, Guo 2013 (eds.), Locating Right to the City in the Global South. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.; Erdi-Lelandais, G. 2014 (ed.) Understanding the City: Henri Lefebvre and Urban Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39(6): 1279-1282
Shin, H.B. (2014) Contesting speculative urbanisation and strategising discontents. CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 18(4-5): 509-516 [View]
Shin, H.B. (2014) Urban spatial restructuring, event-led development and scalar politics. Urban Studies 51(14): 2961-2978 [View]
Shin, H.B. (2014) Elite vision before people: State entrepreneurialism and the limits of participation. In: Altrock, U. and Schoon, S. (Eds.) Maturing Megacities: The Pearl River Delta in Progressive Transition. Springer, pp. 267-285
Shin, H.B. (2014) Book review: A Middle Class without Democracy: Economic Growth and the Prospects for Democratization in China by Jie Chen. LSE Review of Books. 17 April