
My paper in the new volume titled Social Justice and the City (ed. Nik Heynen)

Happy to see the publication of this volume, which includes a paper of mine entitled “Urban movements and the genealogy of urban rights discourses: the case of urban protesters against redevelopment and displacement in Seoul, South Korea” previously published in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers ( The new edited volume is the republication […]

Short essay: The Geographies of Gentrification in East Asia, contributed to the IIAS Newsletter Vol.79, 2018

The International Institute for Asian Studies based in Leiden, the Netherlands, publishes The Newsletter three times a year to report on current affairs in Asia and connect academics with wider audience. The news from Northeast Asia in the Spring 2018 edition covers gentrification in East Asian cities, and features four pieces as below. My piece provided an […]

New @CITYanalysis Special Feature on The Urban Process under Planetary Accumulation by Dispossession

Happy to see the new @CITYanalysis (Vol 22, No 1) special feature on The #Urban Process under #Planetary #Accumulation by #Dispossession, which I guest edited with Louis Moreno (Goldsmiths, University of London). Direct link to the issue here: The special feature has a wonderful collection of contributors, who are Alex Loftus (on Planetary Concerns), Matthew […]

<작은것이 아름답다> 2017년 12월호 기고글: “어떻게 덜 소유하고 함께 정주할 것인가”. A new essay entitled “Owning less and sharing together to co-habit”

I was invited to contribute an essay to a monthly magazine in South Korea, as part of its theme on ‘apartment forest 1980-2017’, which was to reflect on the urban forms resulted from Korea’s condensed urbanisation and vertical urbanism/accumulation (for vertical accumulation, see my own essay here). The essay was entitled “Owning less and sharing […]

신간 <안티 젠트리피케이션, 무엇을 할 것인가> 기념 행사 안내. New book on “Anti Gentrification: What is to be done”

2015년 12월에 구상, 작년 초가을 본격 추진했던 중요한 프로젝트 하나를 이번 한국 방문 기간에 맞추어 마무리합니다. 새로 나오는 <안티 젠트리피케이션, 무엇을 할 것인가>를 기념하기 위해 저자들을 모시고 두 번의 행사를 갖습니다. 이번 출장 동안 미처 찾아뵙지 못하고 연락도 제대로 못드린 점 너그러이 이해해주시길 부탁드리며, 시간 되시는 분들은 두 행사장 모두 또는 한 군데에서 뵐 수 […]


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