New publication release in #openaccess: “#COVID19 in #Southeast#Asia: Insights for a Post-Pandemic World”. All chapters and the entire volume can be downloaded free of charge.Excited to see the release of this new edited volume that has been result of hard labour by SEAC colleagues and collaborators during the pandemic.The volume brings together 38 contributors altogether, more than 30 of whom have originated from and/or based in Southeast Asia.

The volume is indeed a collection of the voices from Southeast Asia, providing an insight into how the region has been coping with the pandemic and what it means for the post-pandemic world.Further book descriptions and download links can be found here:

One of the chapters (Chapter 29) in the new volume includes collective reflections, “Postscript: in-pandemic academia, scholarly practices, and an ethics of care”. It is an attempt to sum up how we’ve thought of academic practices during the time of pandemic.