Research News

Republication of my Urban Spectacles paper in Alternative Sud

I am pleased to see the printed version of a new special issue from Alternative Sud, a quarterly publication by CETRI based in Belgium. The special issue on Sport and Globalisation includes a reprinted paper of mine, “Spectacles urbains, méga-événements sportifs et inégalités en Chine”. This was originally published in the journal City: analysis of urban trends, […]

Bangkok Edge festival, 13-14 February 2016

This weekend in Bangkok, Thailand sees the opening of the city’s first ideas festival organised by River Books (a leading Thai and UK publishing house) and Chakrabongse Villas together with Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and Museum Siam. I am happy to be invited to take part in a couple of panels, one on What is the ‘New Asia’? and the other on Gentrification: […]

Publication of a journal special issue on Locating Gentrification in the Global East

I am delighted to see the publication of the following special issue on Locating Gentrification in the Global East from Urban Studies as Volume 53, Issue 3. You may find the table of contents and all the papers on this page: (also see below). The abstract for the guest editors’ introduction provides some key thoughts behind this special […]

젠트리피케이션 없는 세상 꿈꾸기 (Dreaming about a world without gentrification)

지난 해 10월부터 12월 사이 두 차례 한국을 방문하였고, 지내는 동안 젠트리피케이션을 화두로 많은 만남을 가졌습니다. 앞서 가졌던 고민의 깊이가 더욱 깊어졌고, 답답하고 아픈 현실에 마음 아팠지만 수 많은 실천의 몸짓을 통해 긍정의 에너지도 얻었습니다. 앞으로 해야할 일을 생각하며 신발끈을 다시 고쳐 맵니다. 아래 글은 희망제작소 ( 에 초청기고한 것 입니다. 희망제작소 웹페이지에 게시한 글은 […]

Wonderful line-up of speakers for #AAG2015 sessions: Contextualising Rights in Urban Protests against Displacement

Following up on my earlier post that announced the call for papers for organising sessions at the forthcoming annual conference of the Association of American Geographers in Chicago in April 2015 (for the original CFP, please click here), it is with great pleasure to see the wonderful line-up of speakers, both paper presenters and panel session members, […]


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