Hyun Shin

Short essay: The Geographies of Gentrification in East Asia, contributed to the IIAS Newsletter Vol.79, 2018

The International Institute for Asian Studies based in Leiden, the Netherlands, publishes The Newsletter three times a year to report on current affairs in Asia and connect academics with wider audience. The news from Northeast Asia in the Spring 2018 edition covers gentrification in East Asian cities, and features four pieces as below. My piece provided an […]

New @CITYanalysis Special Feature on The Urban Process under Planetary Accumulation by Dispossession

Happy to see the new @CITYanalysis (Vol 22, No 1) special feature on The #Urban Process under #Planetary #Accumulation by #Dispossession, which I guest edited with Louis Moreno (Goldsmiths, University of London). Direct link to the issue here: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ccit20/22/1?nav=tocList The special feature has a wonderful collection of contributors, who are Alex Loftus (on Planetary Concerns), Matthew […]

Urban Studies journal launches a new initiative, Editors’ Featured Articles

Earlier this month, the Urban Studies journal has announced the introduction of a new initiative called Editor’s Featured Articles (https://www.urbanstudiesonline.com/editors-featured-articles/). According to the journal, the new initiative: makes popular and significant articles that have been recently published available on an open access basis. In addition, selective papers that are not yet in print but connect […]


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