Happy to see the publication of my chapter, “Studying Global Gentrifications”, invited for inclusion in this new volume edited by John Harrison and Michael Hoyler.

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This chapter builds on my ongoing enquiries into the planetary rise of gentrification and variegated geographies of gentrification (and therefore, gentrifications in plural rather than Gentrification with a capital ‘G’). The volume includes many other interesting chapters, so worth taking a look. For more details of the book, see here: https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/doing-global-urban-research/book252261

For citation: Shin, H.B. (2018) Studying global gentrifications, in: J. Harrison and M. Hoyler (eds.), Doing Global Urban Research. London: Sage, pp. 138-152.

In this chapter, I discuss some of the salient issues that are at the centre of planetary thinking of gentrification, examining how the inclusion of the urbanization experiences of non-usual suspects in the Global South helps us expand our horizon of gentrification research and reinterpret what has been learnt from the Global North. First, the chapter discusses how our understanding of displacement needs to actively take into consideration the temporality, spatial relations and subjectivity. Second, the chapter ascertains the importance of locating gentrification in broader urban processes and also in the context of uneven development. Third, the chapter argues that gentrification is to be treated as a political and ideological project of the state and the ruling class in addition to it being an economic project. The concluding section sums up the arguments and provides some reflections on what it means to do comparative research on global gentrifications from a planetary perspective.